Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 13th: One Thing I Wish I was Smart Enough to Understand No one understands everything, but everyone wants to understand something. Spend a little time discussing one of those fascinating subjects which you just don’t get. Why does it interest you? What don’t you understand? “everything falls apart as you approach infinity” -Dr. Lovric for all your frightening vastness, you hide in a tiny corner of my mind my thoughts, like curious children inch closer, only to flee no friendly giant, no kind old man, just a deafening silence that blinds for all your frightening vastness, you are more invisible than the indivisible I hesitate as I draw lopsided loops, lassos around hollow emptiness, never capturing more than seductive echoes, never catching sight of you for all your frightening vastness, you are caged in four short syllables but they say you seep through time and space, benign beginnings bear no meaning for you, endings, endless mockeries you seep through time and space and into me, and etch yourself on the back of my skin. You, who laugh at boundaries, draw one around my ability to comprehend eternity.

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